ActiveDirectory(url, base, searchOptionsopt, idleTimeout, tlsOptions)

This class will authenticate a user to AD and return basic user information

new ActiveDirectory(url, base, searchOptionsopt, idleTimeout, tlsOptions)

Create a new Active Directory object for manging AD connections
Name Type Attributes Description
url string URL / IP of the Active Directory server
base string The default base to use when one is not provided on a method
searchOptions object <optional>
The search options passed down to ldapjs, see for details.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
scope string <optional>
'sub' What scope should the Active Directory be searched in
filter string <optional>
(objectclass=*) A string version of an LDAP filter
sizeLimit number <optional>
0 Mximum number of entries to return, 0 = unlimited
idleTimeout number How long to wait idle before timing out
tlsOptions object The NodeJS TLS options object, see for details.


static cleanSama(sAMA) → {string}

Cleans sAMAccountName
Name Type Description
sAMA string
string - sAMAccountName

static convertToDate(date) → {Date}

Converts the ActiveDirectory / LDAP fields whenCreated & whenChanged to JS dates
Name Type Description
date string
Date - ISO formatted date

static createUserObj(entry) → {object}

Creates a standard user object from ldapjs entry response
Name Type Description
entry object This is an entry returned from loginAdUser
object - User object { groups: Array, phone: string, name: string, mail: string, guid: string }

static detectLogonType(username) → {string}

Detects what type of account name this is or defaults to userLogonName
Name Type Description
username string The user name being used to bind
string - Returns userPrincipalName || distinguishedName || sAMAccountName

static resolveBindError(error) → {string}

Turns AD bind errors into friendlier error messages
Name Type Description
error string Error returned from ldapjs / AD when attempting to bing
string - Error explanation string

static resolveGroups(entry) → {Array.<string>}

Resolves AD group membership
Name Type Description
entry object This is an entry returned from loginAdUser
Array.<string> - An array of string group names

static resolveGUID(entry) → {string}

Locates objectGUID and then formats it
Name Type Description
entry object This is an entry returned from loginAdUser
string - Formated GUID string

_bind(client, username, password) → {Promise}

Performs a bind on the client passed in
Name Type Description
client ldap.Client LDAPjs client obj
username string Username to bind with
password string Password to bind with
If username or password are not a string
Promise - Resolvs with LDAPjs response
Performs a search on a client
Name Type Description
client ldap.Client LDAPjs client obj
base string The base to perform the search on
search object The search options to use

async getAllGroups(username, password, customBaseopt, detailed) → {Promise.<object>}

Attempts to get all groups from AD that the user has permissions to read and match filter.
Name Type Attributes Description
username string This must be the UPN
password string The users password
customBase string <optional>
Override the default class base, if not passed the class base is used.
detailed boolean Indicates if you want the detailed groups objects with name, dn, guid, description, created, and changed values
Promise.<object> - Promise resolves as an obj { success: true, groups: [string] } || { success: false, message: 'error', error: 'ldapjs error' }

async getAllUsers(username, password, customBaseopt, formatted) → {Promise.<object>}

Attempts to get all users from AD that the user has permissions to read and match filter.
Name Type Attributes Description
username string This must be the UPN
password string The users password
customBase string <optional>
Override the default class base, if not passed the class base is used.
formatted boolean Indicates if you;d like your response formatted as user objects
Promise.<object> - Promise resolves as an obj { success: true, users: [object] } || { success: false, message: 'error', error: 'ldapjs error' }

async loginUser(username, password, customBase, customSearch) → {Promise.<object>}

Attempts to authenticate 1 user to AD using their UPN. If the ldap client has an error a user friendly message is in message and the full error is in error.
Name Type Description
username string This must be the UPN
password string The users password
customBase string Override the default class base, if not passed the class base is used.
customSearch string A custom search string, e.g. (userPrincipalName=test@domain.local)
Promise.<object> - Promise resolves as an obj { success: true, entry: {} || undefined } || { success: false, message: 'error', error: 'ldapjs error' }